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About me

Welcome to the illuminati's dank memes! This is an exquisite page filled with muse and creativity at every corner where you get to 360NOSOPE some nooblets and 420 BLaZeit on some scrubs!!!

I am the memelord and a 1000 year old sentinel that reigns above all of you worthless humans.

My favorite song is Spongebob Style and I invented dank memes and my favorite movie is Cool Cat Saves the Kids.


My hobbies are making memes, playing in MLG wolrd tournaments, and laying around my house playing video games while eating Mtn.Dew and drinking Doritoes.

(c) We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all memes are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that.....

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